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Actualités GPS hebdomadaires 26.06.2023 – Microsoft Community Hub

Actualités GPS hebdomadaires 26.06.2023 – Microsoft Community Hub, Boutique Multimédia

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myURL = DOMPurify.sanitize('');

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function hideProfileCard(){ var hasAvatarOpened = $('.user-profile-card').is(':visible'); $('.user-profile-card').hide(); if(hasAvatarOpened){ UTILITIES.accessibleAlert('pageLevel', 'Closed avatar dropdown'); } }

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function storageAvailable(type) { try { var storage = window[type], x = '__storage_test__'; storage.setItem(x, x); storage.removeItem(x); return true; } catch(e) { return false; } }

function profileUserCardMe () { /* adds profile hovercards to current user with wrapper css class allows for custom CSS styles */ var myId = -1; var addCardTemplates = function (myId) { var items = $('.lia-quilt-row-main .UserAvatarWrapper'); var item; var len = items.length; var i; var authorId; var hasHoverCardMarkup; var templateMarkup = '

'; templateMarkup = templateMarkup.replace('{0}', myId)

for (i = 0; i

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